Tuesday, July 1, 2008

Note From Michal in Israel

Hi Everyone,

I was in Kiryat Motzkin for a few days, working on a few things, getting the teens ready for the Orlando teens, and visiting the different projects that we are funding here...

We have changed so many lives, that the Orlando community should all be very happy and proud about. We had some visitors from Orlando too who stated how great it is to see where their dollars have gone!

Tonight is the first night of a three days series that Orlando funded for Holocaust survivors..
The Polish Ambassador spoke, and it was a night to honor the survivors in front of the community, followed by a play about the second generation of the survivors, the children of the Holocaust survivors...

The next few days are dedicated to lectures and trips for them with different university Professors...

I had lunch with the Mayor with all the school principals and they all talked about how we changed so many children's lives here in Kiryat Motzkin.

The principals raved about the after school programs, and the upcoming summer camp for kids who would otherwise be on the street all summer! It is a huge success, and there are over 100 kids able to attend summer camp...

I got to meet a little girl who came here from Russia and her dad drowned. Thanks to Orlando, the girl who is 12 and 6 months ago was not reading and writing, is now on 4th grade level with the help we had gotten her...she was so sweet... hard to believe that 6 months ago she hardly spoke... Now she is all smiles and happy with lots of friends...

It is a good feeling to see all these wonderful things.

I am looking forward to meet the Orlando teens next week when they get to meet the Kiryat Motzkin teens and am hoping they like last year will have a wonderful experience.


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