Tuesday, August 12, 2008

7/20/2008 - 20 Orlando Teens Visit Israel Through Federation's Partnership Program

Jewish Federation of Greater Orlando GOSIE teens, Ariel Brent, Judy Abramson, & David Newman, lighting candles in honor of Eldad Regev, Israeli soldier captured with Ehud Goldwasser by Hizbullah in 2006. On July 15 2008, coffins containing the remains of Goldwasser and Regev were returned to Israel as part of a prisoner exchange. Regev is from Kiryat Motzkin, The Jewish Federation of Greater Orlando's "Sister City" in Israel.

20 Orlando Teens Visit Israel Through Federation's Partnership Program

20 teens from Orlando are back from Israel with the GOSIE (Greater Orlando Summer Israel Experience) program. GOSIE is an initiative developed by the Jewish Federation's Partnership 2000 program. On its second year, this three-week visit takes teen participants to the heart of the Israeli society and our "Sister City," Kiryat Motzkin.

The Orlando-area teens spent a week with host families in Kiryat Motzkin, and are touring Israel with some of their newfound Israeli friends. In addition to seeing some of the usual travel sights in Israel, GOSIE participants have had hands-on contact with the day-to-day reality of life in Israel. Just a few days ago, the participants visited the family's house of IDF soldier Eldad Regev, whose body was returned to Israel in the framework of the prisoner exchange with terrorist organization, Hizbullah. Sabrina Kalish and Dan Berger are the GOSIE trip leaders for this year. They are also active members of Federation’s Or Hadash young professionals group.
"Today was a lot of fun with our travel activities, but it was also an incredibly somber day in Israel because of the prisoner swap this morning," Kalish and Berger wrote in a letter. "We believe that this trip is the best way for our kids to experience the culture of Israel: to see how all of the neighborhoods and citizens are responding with comfort and strength. Just from this event, we've learned so much about the recent history of Israel and the reality of what Israelis give up to keep their very important promises of never leaving a soldier behind," they wrote, as they experienced an incredible feeling of Israeli pain, pride and honor with Orlando’s teens.

Michal Osteen, Partnership 2000 Chair, could not be more proud of Orlando’s teens, "I am thrilled to see how our teens have internalized this incredible Israel experience," Osteen said.

"Our teens have found their new families in Israel, and when I look at our kids, I can no longer tell who is American, and who is Israeli. They all have become one big family from this experience and I am so excited for their future and the future of our Partnership program with Kiryat Motzkin," she said.
For more information about Federation’s "GOSIE" Israel Experience E-mail IsraelPartnership@jfgo.org, or visit http://www.OrlandoJewishFed.org.

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