Wednesday, August 13, 2008

Quotes from Wrap-Up Discussion with GOSIE 2008 Teens

The following quotes are from a wrap up discussion with GOSIE 2008 teens. Below is a summary of the teens' Israel experience: things they learned about themselves and their connection to Israel and Judaism.

Alex Resnick: In Kiryat Motzkin, I learned how Israeli lifestyle is different. They walk everywhere, live close to each other. I learned a lot of new vocabulary.

Kurt Lorenz: I really like Israeli music. At home, I’m really into music – it was interesting that I could get to know this music here. It was cool to get into Israeli music because it’s so much different than music at home.

Michal (Israeli): To be here with everyone was an incredible experience for me. It’s a pity that I won’t get to experience anything like this again in my life. I will remember every moment, good or bad. I will be very sad tomorrow when I have to say goodbye to you all. I swear, I will cry.

Brad Albertson: I think it’s cool how the Israelis appreciate everything they get. Back at home, I feel that I take more things for granted. Now I think I can appreciate everything in my life a little more.

Dan Zafrir: Whenever you go to meet new people, you wonder if you’ll like them or if they’ll like you. I’ve made great friends and met such great people – each and every one of you.

Bella Garber: I came into this trip not knowing anyone except my sister. And I’ve ended up not sticking to one person, but I’ve been able to get to know everyone. I feel very blessed to have gone on this trip because of everyone I met.

Dasha (Israeli): This was so much fun. I’m so happy that I took part in this. I wasn’t supposed to be a host at the beginning, but I’m so glad I did. I’m so sad right now because I don’t know if I’ll be able to come to Orlando in the future. I love you all.

Letal Garber: This whole trip has been such a blur to me. It went by so past. I was here 2 weeks before, but it’s just so weird. I feel like I can look at Israel in a different way. The people here are so warm and they all greet each other. I feel like I can come back to America with a new perspective. I feel like I can get along with anyone here.

Amy Essig: I had a lot of fun on this trip. Everyone is sweet and warm. At home, people are like that, but it’s just more comforting here.

Chen Gilboa (Israeli): I really don’t know what to say, but I had a lot of fun! I like you all. I want to keep in touch with all of you. Your culture is so different, and I like it. I like that we’ve shared this experience together.

Ron Krudo: So coming here, I wanted to see if I could have a new, separate family in Israel as opposed to my immediate one. Everyone told me that if I moved here, I could live with them. People really opened up their homes to me - It was the best.

Omer Cohen (Israeli): When we came to Caesarea, we were a little bit shy. But, when we saw you, you rocked the house. You are all very good friends.

Jamie Yarmouth: I’ve been here a lot before, but this was the first time when I was mature enough to take in everything. I’ve never been religious, but being here makes me want to be. To see how hard everyone struggles to keep our Jewish state, I want to try more.

Or (Israeli): I was very happy to be part of this experience. It was the first time for me to meet a group of people like you in a delegation. I liked everything, the hikes, the walks, the nights, even the silly things that happened at night. It was all very special. I enjoyed everyone!

Idan Mazor: I was afraid to meet you in the beginning but then I figured out you’re all really good friends and I like you all. I hope we will keep in touch.

Traci Silver: It was really fun getting to know everybody. Seeing how things are different here, as opposed to at home. It was fun hanging out with everybody.

Sapir (Israeli): I want to say that this experiences was one of the most biggest experiences that I have ever had.

Aimee Dolan: When I came here, I thought it would be like another vacation in the states. I thought I would just come and play, then get sick of it. I had no idea I was going to connect so much to Israel. I really liked how warm everyone was – even people we’ve met everywhere.

Shani (Israeli): I want to say that I really got attached to many people here. I was happy to go to places that I’ve never been to in Israel. I really hope to see you all again soon.

Mollie Elkin: Through all my years of Hebrew school, I’ve been learning about Israel. It’s so much different to be here. It’s life changing! It’s been so unbelievable, and I can’t believe this experience is now over. Everyone made me feel so welcome here in Israel.

Idan Holand (Israeli): This was such a unique experience that a person might never get in their lifetime: to meet people you've never known and immediate interact with them. The only thing we have in common, is our love for Israel. Through your eyes, I’ve seen things about Israel that I’ve never seen before, like singing Hatikva together with the Americans, I saw things that I had never noticed before.

Judy Abramson: Being that this is my 2nd year on the GOSIE trip, I was skeptical and I tried really hard to not compare to last year because I knew it would be different with different people. I’m so glad that I feel close with everyone! Ever since I can remember, everyone has always painted this picture of Israel. Every time I come, my heart beats so fast. Everyone here is so warm. I’ve always just dreamed about being here. I never want to leave. I really want to make Aliyah next year, and I know that I always have a home in Kiryat Motzkin to go to.

Elena Finer: I went to HDS for all of elementary school and we always learned about Israel and I’ve always wanted to come here because of pictures and movies. It just became so real when I came here. I had a really good time!

Gal (Israeli): This is the first time I’ve experienced anything like this. This kind of trip teaches you a lot of about yourself, your friends, and your country. I loved every moment of it, and I enjoyed it – even when I was whining and it seemed that I wasn’t enjoying it, but I was. I hope that I will see you all in Orlando!

Sheli (Israeli): I was excited in the beginning and when I saw you, I said each one of you is adorable.

Jory Engle: I loved this Israel experience – it’s been the best summer of my life. Meeting you guys has gone from absolute shyness to absolute ridiculousness. It’s been really fun, with all our crazy adventurous food experiences – we ate way too much hummus. The bus rides have been starting at 7am with singing voices of Kova Tembel. It’s been awesome, I really enjoyed it.

Omer Reuven (Israeli): In the beginning I said I would not host, because it’s my last summer before the army and I wanted to see my friends. But then once we met, and I suddenly interacted with you, and I didn’t think I would host three of you! In principal, this was really different because I’m not used to all these tours in Israel, so this was a really different experience for me. I think that before the army this experience gave me a push.

Zach Weinstock: This was my 1st time in Israel. I’m not leaving tomorrow. It was a pretty interesting experience. I didn’t know what to expect and everyone has been awesome. I know there are some kids from U.S. and Israel that I’m definiteliy going to keep in touch with.

Ben Bornstein: This is my 2nd time here in Israel. The first time was with my family, but this was different for being on my own and now I got to meet people my age from Israel. I hope all of you come to Orlando: I can’t wait for that day, whenever it may be.

Gillian Wayne: I had fun and enjoyed every moment!

Caitlin Frenkel: In the beginning I really didn’t expect to have a good time in Israel: I don’t know why. I’m really glad I got to come and get to know everybody. I felt like the Israeli girls became my sisters and I could them anything.

Brett Maizel: The people of Israel are so close knit, especially the soldiers… they’re all here for each other. Hugging and sometimes crying, Israel is one big family. You really don’t see that in a lot of America, and it’s really good for me to see that here. It feels good.

Boaz (Israeli tour guide): It’s always a big challenge to walk through Israel w/people who haven’t done it before: to see what you find attractive and interesting, to see the light in your eyes when you travel to more places here, to give you a better picture of life here besides what you see on on TV (war zone). I think it was amazing that you had this meeting here in Israel. I enjoyed seeing the interactions between cultures and languages. I found it amazing that you found a warm place in each others hearts. It’s made me very happy.

David Newman: It was really cool how the Kiryat Motzkin kids walk everywhere and we drive cars. I would love to come back again.

Dan Berger (American Chaperone who made Aliyah in September 2008): I had a great 3 weeks. I’ve been to Israel before, but it was really neat to do these activities with you guys because it made me feel like I was 16 again. I would say that my favorite part of the trip was when we were down in the Negev, we walked on the tent for a while and watched the Israeli jets practicing. It was really awesome to see that.

Liron (Israeli): It’s my first time to go with a group at this age, and with US and Israeli kids together. I really enjoyed each one of you and I will really miss all of you a lot. And if I go to the states, I want to meet you all in Orlando. I hope we keep in touch – I really enjoyed this experience! If I talk with the Americans, I learn English better. It’s important for me to learn the words, the slang, and what happens in the heads of the Americans. I love you all.

Erez (Israeli): I had a lot of fun in the time we’ve been with you. I think the most important thing you all need to remember is that each and every one of you is unique. You represent a special group in the states. You need to remember that you were a group of 20 people who are so different from each other, but Israel brings you together: it is your home.

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