Tuesday, August 12, 2008

GOSIE 2007 Follow-Up

This past summer I attended the high school graduation ceremony in Kiryat Motzkin. It was great to see many of our friends graduate. It also reminded me that about half of the teens from Kiryat Motzkin will be joining the army this year.

I put together a short slide show that I thought would be nice to send to the teens that participated in GOSIE 2007. The slide show is fun and hopefully also will motivate our teens to keep in contact with their friends in Kiryat Motzkin.

The purpose of the GOSIE program was not only to introduce our kids to Israel but also to keep them connected.


David Brent
Youth Task Force Chair
Orlando/Kiryat Motzkin partnership

p.s. the slide show requires power point to view.

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